An Analysis of How Album Covers Visualize Music​​​​​​​
Jan. - May 2023

Print Media
Academic Research & Writing
The rich relationship between music and cover art has evolved over time to the point where they are now inseparable and the ability to use it to its full potential is a form of art in of itself; however, I noticed that there was a lack of focused research on this topic, so I designed and authored a 76-page book that analyzes how album covers visualize the music they are attached to.
The book's design elements allude to music, including a front cover that resembles an audio level indicator and circular page numbers resembling vinyl records. The book's layout follows the structure of a song, with full-size images of album covers serving as the chorus sections and more informative text as the verse sections. 
My goal was to provide a baseline of understanding that could be applied to album covers from the past and those yet to come. The expressive mediums of art and music can act as individuals, but when brought together, they attune, and the overall experience for the audience drastically changes, down to the smallest detail.​​​​​​​

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